You asked for it, we delivered.
Calculator 4.0 is out! Including exciting upgrades that allow you to implement a wider range of complex use-cases. To make sure no-one is left behind, we are thrilled to share what’s included in this recent major release.
Up until now, calculators could tackle rather simple use-cases and allow you to build basic formulas based on your project responses. These formulas included summing, multiplying, dividing or subtracting response values in order to generate dedicated outcome pages. One could still build cost calculators, ROI calculators and price quote calculators, but in a rather simplified form. These calculators worked, no doubt, generating and qualifying leads for various customers. And yet, something was missing…
Calculator 4.0 - What’s New?
In short, quite alot. The formula builder is now much more versatile. It includes conditional logic and advanced functions (as you can see in the screenshot below). These upgrades not only allow you to work faster, creating complex formulas in a matter of several clicks, but also create much more room for creativity. Additionally, in the builder itself, you can now use various keyboard shortcuts to select, copy, paste and cut formulas more easily.

The upgraded formula builder
Conditional Logic:
You can now use IF/THEN statements and nested IFs which can then directly use question and response values from your project. For instance:
Conditional logic will help you design smarter paths and personalize your outcomes more precisely based on submission input data. Inside IF statements you can have different operators such as > < AND OR etc.
11 Advanced Functions:
In the detailed help article about using calculators in projects you can dive deeper into the new 11 advanced functions which are now part of the calculator builder. Get more precise calculations using functions such as:
MIN - returns the smallest of all input values
MAX - returns the highest of all input values
ROOT - square root of selected input
ROUND - round to selected decimal places
FlOOR - round down to the nearest integer value
CEIL - round up to the next integer value
The new functions open up an array of new formula possibilities which are fitting for more complex use-cases such as mortgage rate calculators, health-related calculators etc.
What Types of Calculators Can You Use Now?
Over the course of the next weeks, we will share with you additional how-to articles explaining how to implement various formulas and how to make use of them for specific use-cases.
Some of the use-cases which are covered thanks to the new formula builder include:
Shipping cost calculator - if you offer free shipping for a purchase amount higher than X amount of money or for X amount of products, you can use conditional logic to set this value based on submission data. Additionally, you could account for different shipping costs across regions and fit your calculations based on the selection of your potential customer. Like this you can directly link the result to your payment gateway and make your offer more attractive when potential customers interact with your project
Multi-tier product price calculator - assuming that you have several product categories with price variation depending on product type and quantity, you could build a formula taking into account the overall quantity per product category and include discounts if applicable. This way you can implement even more elaborated price calculations.
ROI calculator - you can calculate for potential leads how much money or time you'll save them if only they use your service or product. You can tailor the results based on company size, selected features of your products, selected services etc. Using conditional logic your final result can take into account variations of your product and different service levels. This type of calculator is especially useful for lead generation in B2B campaigns.
The aforementioned calculators are just quick examples. There are so many ways to use the new formula builder for other use-cases. Give it a try and see how it can fit your project's needs.
What’s Coming Next?
Despite the fact that calculator 4.0 is a fresh release, we are already rushing towards an even more upgraded calculator. The upcoming release will include some semantic based conditional logic, allowing you to calculate values given that certain text appears in your project’s questions/answers. This is an exciting update, so we urge you to stay tuned for more.
If you are eager already to start using a calculator in your projects, you can read more information in our help section, or simply head over to our tool and start checking out the possibilities yourself (you can also start by clicking on one of the templates below). We are always happy to hear about cool calculator use-cases which were implemented using