So you took the time to make your own quiz, integrate it into your website, and... it doesn't work. You're not getting conversions. You're not even getting good traffic. What are you doing wrong? Others out there are getting great results with their quizzes.
In 2015, Zenni Optical posted a quiz that converted 29,410 leads and drove $1 million in revenue. Since then, quizzes have been taking the Internet by storm. And it's easy to see why - they're great at engaging prospects and getting them to share their contact details. But not all content marketing quizzes are created equal.

Some companies create a quiz and toss it up on their website to show that they're “with it.” Those quizzes tend to be pretty disappointing. If you're going to invest in a quiz, take the time to make it effective. To help you out, here are some common mistakes that make many online content marketing quizzes fail. If you see any that might apply to you, keep reading - we've also included tips for creating highly converting quiz content.
Mistake #1: Leaving out Contact Information
An engaging and entertaining quiz is great, but why invest in one if it's not going to help you convert? If your quiz isn't capturing important information from your leads, then it's not doing its job.
Easy form creation
The Solution:
First of all, you need to get the information that will let you contact the lead at a later date. Depending on your customer base, this may include the individual respondent's: name email address company professional role If you're able, and if it won't make your quiz too long, it's also a good idea to include information that will help you qualify the lead. You can get this information from a formal sales lead form, but you don't have to do that. It's also possible to work what you need to know into the style of your quiz.
Mistake #2: Not Actively Motivating Completion
Some quizzes people take just to entertain themselves. These are the BuzzFeed viral quizzes like “What celebrity should you marry?” or “Which Disney movie would your squad be?” If someone shares those quizzes on their personal social media, and even if they finish having had enough fun to take another quiz, then the experience was a success. You want more. You want to capture and ideally convert a lead, so you care much more whether your respondents finish your survey or move on to find out what children's book character they'd be. And you definitely care about whether they get through the quiz and move on to explore your website. Not actively motivating participants to finish your quiz is a big risk.
The Solution:
At the beginning of your quiz, tell participants that there's something exciting waiting for them at the end. You might emphasize the importance or relevance of the quiz results, like “How much do you know about personal tech?” People want to feel competent, so they'll want that percentage. You can also add a giveaway, like “Find out how much you know about technology and get our e-book “Personal Tech Today” for free!” But whichever style you choose, don't make it sound like the quiz will be a chore and the incentive is the only reason to finish. Present it as a win-win.
Mistake #3: Adding Irrelevant Questions
Short quizzes are entertaining and easy to complete. The longer they get, though, the more likely your prospects will be to abandon the quiz entirely and never become customers.

The Solution:
Stick to questions that will help you get to know the client. If you run a financial services group and you're creating a quiz that will indicate the services that would apply to a particular client, don't bother with questions like “At what age do you think young adults should get credit cards?”that don't tell you anything about the client's circumstances. Keep your quiz as succinct as possible by selecting questions that are relevant to your customer base. Online business development company VentureHarbour calls this conditional logic, which is just a complicated way of saying that you shouldn't ask questions of a prospect if those questions don't apply. For example, if your financial services company targets entrepreneurs, it doesn't make sense to ask them questions about employment compensation. Instead, ask them about most popular ways for small businesses to get funding.
Mistake #4: Requiring Too Many Written Answers
You may want to learn everything you can about your client, at least as much as is relevant to your business. You may even assume that because people like talking about themselves, they'll love a quiz where they have to write in their own answers. Not true. Online quizzes aren't supposed to be difficult, and short answers make people think. Internet users much prefer questions that they can answer quickly and without too much reflection. If they can't decide what to answer, what's to stop them from closing out the quiz and moving on?
The Solution:
Use an online quiz design tool to feature primarily multiple-choice or yes/no questions. Try to make it so that the only short-answer questions in your quiz are your respondent's name, email address, and any other critical customer information. This style of survey design will benefit you as well. Since multiple-choice and yes/o questions are easy to aggregate, they show you trends in your customer base as well as information about the individual respondent.
Mistake #5: Boring Design
You add a quiz to your website because you want to capture the visitor's attention. If your quiz looks like the kind of form they fill out at the doctor's office, they may not stay engaged to the end of the quiz.
The Solution:
This one is easy to fix because there are so many ways of adding visual interest. Make it colorful, add pictures, even add video. Use a template that takes the work out of this step and you'll find your prospects engaging with you effort-free!
The Take-Away
OK, so your quiz isn't working. You could have designed it better. But now you know how to create effective quiz content. So don't kick yourself - make it better! has an online quiz maker with professionally designed customizable templates that can help you to build quizzes that convert. You can embed them into your website, track their performance, and you don't even need to know how to code!
There's nothing holding you back.